“Strawberry Moon”
Surprising and Scientific Facts!

Surprising Facts
‘‘Strawberry Moon‘’ refers to the full moon that occurs in June.
While not inherently shocking, here are some interesting little-known facts about Strawberry Moon.
Some indigenous tribes in North America associated the June full moon with the ripening of strawberries, hence the name. The strawberry moon is also known by different names in different cultures and regions. Some Native American cultures refer to this month as the ‘‘Hot Moon‘‘ or ‘‘Mead Moon,‘‘ referring to the warm temperatures and abundance of honey-producing plants.
A strawberry moon is not a rare or unique celestial phenomenon. It`s simply a full moon that happens in June and usually happens once a year.
Contrary to its name, the Strawberry Moon does not actually appear pink or reddish. Like other full moons, it usually appears golden or yellow when it rises over the horizon due to atmospheric influences. The word ‘‘strawberry moon‘‘ has a symbolic character, representing its association with the strawberry harvest season.
The Strawberry Moon has no shocking or anomalous qualities, but it has cultural and historical significance, serving as a link to natural cycles and human traditions throughout history.

Scientific Facts
Scientifically, The moon follows a monthly cycle, known as a lunar cycle or synodic month, which is approximately 29.
The moon orbits around the Earth in an elliptical path, and its distance from Earth varies throughout its orbit. The distance between the Earth and the moon is, on average, about 384,400 kilometers (238,900 miles).
During the full moon phase, the moon appears fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This occurs because the sun, Earth, and moon are nearly aligned, with the Earth positioned between the sun and the moon. Sunlight directly illuminates the moon’s surface, making it appear bright and full.
The actual appearance of the moon during the full moon phase does not change significantly from month to month. The moon can sometimes appear larger when it is close to the horizon compared to when it is high in the sky. The apparent size of the moon remains constant throughout its journey across the sky.
The full moon does not have any direct scientific influence on Earth beyond its gravitational effects, which are relatively minor.
It’s important to note that while the Strawberry Moon has cultural significance and historical associations, the scientific facts surrounding it primarily revolve around its position in the lunar cycle and the illumination it provides.